Public Perceptions of Women in Leadership – a Research Project of the Fiji Women’s Forum
Public Perceptions of Women in Leadership – a Research Project of the Fiji Women’s Forum
This 2014 study looks at the perception of women in politics and leadership generally in Fiji. The study draws attention to the gender bias that lies at the heart of why women are under-represented in government and the necessity for definitive action to support women's political participation. A copy of the report can be obtained either from Fiji Women's Rights Movement, FemLINKpacific, the National Council of Women or the Soqosoqo Vakamarama iTaukei.
A two page brief from the International Women's Development Agency (IWDA) summarizes the findings and recommendations from the report. The research was done in partnership with IWDA.
Author: Fiji Women's Forum/International Women's Development Agency
Institution: N/A
Date: May 20, 2021
File size and type: 541.60 KB