Leading to Action: A Political Participation Handbook for Women

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Leading to Action: A Political Participation Handbook for Women

Leading to Action: A Political Participation Handbook for Women

The Leading to Action Handbook is designed for use as a learning tool focused on the importance of women’s participation as a critical step towards reshaping economic, political, and social conditions to allow for equality in opportunities for both women and men. This publication was developed to empower women to become democratic and participatory leaders, whether the goal is to be elected to office, support a campaign, encourage women to vote, or secure better legislation for the community, or to hone skills to take the next political step. The Handbook is structured to be used in a workshop setting, and can be easily modified by those who use it. 

Author: Mahnaz Afkhami & Ann Eisenberg

Institution: Women’s Learning Partnership For Rights, Development, and Peace (WLP)

Date: January 1, 2010

File size and type: 1.73 MB
