Dr. Perpetua S. Konman Declared Official & Certified Winner of the FSM Special Election
29th November, 2021
PALIKIR, Pohnpei—On November 29th, 2021, His Excellency David W. Panuelo—President of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)—received the certified results of the November 12th, 2021 Special Election. The new Senator-elect for the FSM Congress’ Election District 3 of Chuuk State, representing the Southern Namoneas Region, is Dr. Perpetua S. Konman.
Senator-elect Dr. Perpetua S. Konman received 2,532 votes. By contrast, candidate Myron I. Hashiguchi received 1,962 votes, and candidate Inson I. Namper received 1,292 votes.
Dr. Konman is the most heavily educated person to be elected as a Senator in the FSM Congress, both contemporarily and historically. Additionally, Dr. Konman is the first woman to be elected to the FSM Congress.
The Executive Branch of the FSM National Government is of the understanding that Dr. Konman will formally be seated as Senator Konman at a forthcoming Special Session of the FSM Congress, which may occur in December 2021.
The election results, inclusive of the National Election Director’s letter to the President, may be found here: https://gov.fm/files/CERTIFICATE_of_the_Special_Election_Results_of_Nov__12_2021.pdf