Josephine Toure Mandwe
Josephine Toure Mandwe
Party: Independent
Term: N/A
Electorate: Usino/Bundi
Province: Madang
Political Status: N/A
Summary Biography
Highest educational attainment: University of Papua New Guinea, studied Journalism (1980)
- National Parliamentary Service (National Parliament of PNG)
- Reporter in HANSARD for a total of 23 years.
Key Achievements
Directly involved with male tribal brothers (landowners of Yandera Mine – in land issues, drafting and formulation of our Land Owners’ Constitution and formation of Land Owners’ Association)
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If you would like more information about Josephine Toure Mandawe please contact PacWIP
Ph: +679 330 0399 I Fax: +679 330 1976 I Email: