Utilising Temporary Special Measures To Promote Gender Balance in Pacific Legislatures: A Guide to Options

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Utilising Temporary Special Measures To Promote Gender Balance in Pacific Legislatures: A Guide to Options

Utilising Temporary Special Measures To Promote Gender Balance in Pacific Legislatures: A Guide to Options

Utilising Temporary Special Measures to Promote Gender Balance in Pacific Legislatures: A Guide to Options”, is designed as a reference for governments, members of Pacific legislatures, political parties, women candidates and civil society advocates who want to understand the possible options for temporary special measures that could be introduced in the Pacific. This new publication also draws on a range of international resources, but focuses specifically on options for Pacific Islands Forum member countries, taking into account the unique local context of each of the 14 countries examined.

Author: Lesley Clark & Charmaine Rodrigues

Institution: UNDP Pacific Centre & PIFS

Date: February 3, 2009

File size and type: 1.92 MB


Author: Lesley Clark & Charmaine Rodrigues

Institution: UNDP Pacific Centre & PIFS

Date: February 3, 2009

File size and type: 2.08 MB
